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Major Contribution: Controlling rodent populations

Relatively few snakes are poisonous, and those that are try their best to avoid us. Even snakes that are poisonous help us by producing anti-venom for serious snakebites. But this is not their most important contribution. They help control rodent populations that would grow out of control were it not for snakes. They feast on some of the most pesky mice, rats, and other rodents, even those already carrying disease.

If left unfettered the rodents would turn quickly on crops and homes, potentially causes billions of dollars of damage every year. Some gardeners even invite snakes into their garden, and see their presence as a good sign. Without snakes the rodent population would easily grow to dangerous levels, threatening not only business but also human health and sanitation.

1. Snakes have no eyelids, but rather a transparent scale that slides over their eyes for protection but still allows them to see.

2. Snakes are deaf, but they “hear” by feeling the vibrations in the air and ground.

Design & animations
by Julia Steiman